Glove company

The Glove Company

The Glove Company designs and manufactures unique, high-qulaity gloves. Our products enable personnel to perform tasks safer, faster and with greater efficiency. The Glove Company has 4 NSN coded gloves that we currently supply to the ADF to improve the safety and operating efficiency of the user.


The Glove Company designs and manufactures unique, high-qulaity gloves. Our products enable personnel to perform tasks safer, faster and with greater efficiency. The Glove Company has 4 NSN coded gloves that we currently supply to the ADF to improve the safety and operating efficiency of the user.




AgricultureAirport Operations and Other Air Transport Support ServicesBuilding and Other Industrial Cleaning ServicesCeramic Product ManufacturingMiningTransport and Bus or Coach
3/29 Shearwater Drive, Taylors Beach NSW 2316
Contact Name
Yvette Staples
1300 331 488
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