Newcastle Airport/Astra Aerolab

Striving to be the airport the region deserves. We see our role as central to the region continuing to flourish and achieving its full potential. Uniquely co-located with RAAF Base Williamtown and Newcastle Airport, Astra Aerolab is Australia’s newest defence and aerospace precinct. A one-of-a-kind place, enhancing Australia’s ability to deliver world class sustainment and manufacturing capability to the Defence sector.


Striving to be the airport the region deserves. We see our role as central to the region continuing to flourish and achieving its full potential.Uniquely co-located with RAAF Base Williamtown and Newcastle Airport, Astra Aerolab is Australia’s newest defence and aerospace precinct. A one-of-a-kind place, enhancing Australia’s ability to deliver world class sustainment and manufacturing capability to the Defence sector.


AerospaceResearch and Development (R&D)Space


ProfessionalRepair and MaintenanceResearch CentreScientific and Technical ServicesTelecommunications Goods / Service
Level 1, Terminal Office East, Williamtown Drive, Williamtown NSW 2314
Contact Name
Bayley Foley
+61 423 016 745
Social Media


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