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MadePartners is a leading provider of Quality Management Services providing tailored process and product focused support solutions. Our expertise ranges from developing and implementing quality management systems (includingISO9001 Gap Analysis) to verification of product technical compliance (from design through manufacture and delivery to end of warranty) and Certification Readiness.


MadePartners is a leading provider of Quality Management Services providing tailored process andproduct focused support solutions.Our expertise ranges from developing and implementing quality management systems (includingISO9001 Gap Analysis) to verification of product technical compliance (from design through manufactureand delivery to end of warranty) and Certification Readiness.The MadePartners model combines the broad backgrounds of our principals, who have extensivequality management and project management experience in the defence, aviation, rail, mining, andinfrastructure sectors.


AdviceAuditsContract ManagementLogisticsProject ManagementProject SupportQuality ManagementStudiesSystem EngineeringTenderingWHS


AdviceAuditsContract ManagementControlEnvironment StudiesEvaluation and VerificationFabricated Metal Product / Composite Product ManufacturingLogistics Analysis and SupportProject ManagementProject SupportQuality Management ServicesStudiesSystem EngineeringTenderingTestingWHS
83 Galoola Drive, Nelson Bay NSW 2315
Contact Name
Andrew Sommerville
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