Lovells Group

Lovells Group is a 90-year-old privately owned Industrial group, specializing in parts and systems for rail, mining, agricultural and recreational vehicles and equipment. The core of the Company is Lovells Industrial Systems, Australia’s only industrial spring maker, with expertise in both steel and elastomer-based vibration absorption equipment. Lovells group is also Australia’s largest manufacturer and installer of vehicle upgrade kits for the Automotive sector.


Lovells Group is a 90 year old privately owned Industrial group, specializing in parts and systems for rail, mining, agricultural and recreational vehicles and equipment. The core of the Company is Lovells Industrial Systems, Australia’s only industrial spring maker, with expertise in both steel and elastomer-based vibration absorption equipment.Lovells group is also Australia’s largest manufacturer and installer of vehicle upgrade kits for the Automotive sector.Key technologies are hot forging, heat treatment, large volume injection molding, toolmaking, CNC machining, vibratory and abrasive cleaning, high power induction heating, industrial control software, hardware and automation. vehicle dynamic behavior data logging and on-track testing to Australian ADR, US SAE and Euro EU standards.




AgricultureHeat treatment (Metal Coating and Finishing)Mechanical EngineeringMiningMotor Vehicle and Motor Vehicle Part ManufacturingPolymer Product or Rubber Product ManufacturingPrimary Metal and Metal Product ManufacturingRoboticsTransport and Bus or Coach
44 Parker St, Carrington NSW 2294
Contact Name
Simon Crane
02 49697588


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