
Mobile Concrete Batch Plant-High Early Strength Concrete-Cellular Concrete Foam Fill-Civil Construction Eifers are the experts in time-critical civil construction works, with a specialised focus on rapid deployment concrete technologies. Founded by the Eifermann family in 2003 Eifers grew from a small business base to a company focused on civil construction and critical infrastructure works.


-Mobile Concrete Batch Plant-High Early Strength Concrete-Cellular Concrete Foam Fill-Civil ConstructionEifers are the experts in time-critical civil construction works, with a specialised focus on rapid deployment concrete technologies. Founded by the Eifermann family in 2003 Eifers grew from a small business base to a company focused on civil construction and critical infrastructure works. Eifers stands apart by being the experts in time-critical concrete, providing services to public and private sector clients across industries and environments including airports, roads, rail, urban development and utility infrastructure. Eifers utilises materiality, machines and methodologies to complete works faster and safer, giving clients value for money results.


AerospaceLandMaritimeResearch and Development (R&D)


Airport Operations and Other Air Transport Support ServicesCivil EngineeringHeavy and Civil Engineering ConstructionMachinery and EquipmentPolymer Product or Rubber Product Manufacturing
13 Newmarket Lane, Epping VIC 3076
Contact Name
Priscilla Meli


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