Hunter Defence

Current Defence Primes Opportunities for NSW and Hunter Industry

Hunter Defence’s core objective is to promote Hunter Defence industry expertise to drive manufacturing, supply and sustainment opportunities to the region. In line with this, there are a range of current Defence Primes opportunities which NSW and Hunter SMEs and industry partners are well-positioned to take advantage of. 

SAAB – Deployable Infrastructure – Supply Chain Expression of Interest

Government is seeking to enhance its ability to provide responsive, scalable and adaptable deployable infrastructure to meet evolving operational needs. The ADF and other Government agencies use deployable infrastructure for a range of operations, from full-scale conflict to peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief efforts.

To meet these requirements, Saab Australia will leverage its global experience and lead role in Deployable Health Systems to lead a consortium that combines the best Australian experience and knowledge available in deployable infrastructure.

Saab is engaging with Australian SMEs about opportunities for supply and support of Deployable Infrastructure programs. SMEs with products and services in deployable infrastructure are invited to respond to this Expression of Interest for potential inclusion in future Saab-led programs.

More information can be found on the ICN Gateway

International Freight Assistance Mechanism

On 27 August 2021, the Australian Government announced a further $260.9 million in funding to extend IFAM to mid-2022, giving Australian businesses reliant on airfreight extra time to adapt to the new international trade environment.

More information can be found on the Austrade website here

Defence Space Domain Awareness Project Industry Briefing

The Space Domain Awareness Project (JP9360) invites you to join us for a Project Industry Briefing where you will hear from Defence about the current thinking for Space Domain Awareness and the JP9360 project. The aim is to provide you with an update on the progress of JP9360 Space Domain Awareness project, the Request for Proposal HSD/RFP/13668/1 and future Industry engagement opportunities.

The briefing will be held virtually and is open to all industry and academic participants in the Space Domain Awareness eco-system

SEA1000 – Future Submarine Project – Optronics and Navigation


The project consists of the design, provision, integration and support of the navigation and optronics sensors that are a part of the Future Submarine Project Combat System.  The project includes all of the outboard equipment and the supply and integration of elements of the inboard system. The project is a subcontract to Lockheed Martin Australia acting as the Combat System Integrator.

EOI TEAM SABRE – Land 125 Phase 4 Integrated Soldier System

L125-4 aims to enhance the ADF’s ability to respond with new technology to rapidly changing threat environments, whilst reducing the cognitive and physical burden placed on modern soldiers. Team SABRE will design integrate and deliver its Soldier Augmentations and Battlefield Robotic Enablers solution in Australia with maximum participation of Australian Industry.

Team SABRE is committed to achieving the objectives of the Defence Industry Policy Statement and its approach to development and innovation with Australian Industry is founded on 3 pillars. These are:

  1. A product agnostic approach for the full scope of equipment to maximise opportunities for Australian suppliers to win work
  2. Development of local facilities, equipment and supply chains to decrease or eliminate dependence on overseas facilities
  3. Foster innovation, knowledge transfer, skill development and IP creation, to make the Australian Defence Industry’s workforce smarter and more capable.

The full scope of equipment the ADF is seeking to procure is open to supply from Australian Industry. The project also includes the provision of simulation systems, training and R&D services among others and Team SABRE will seek industry and academic partners across these areas, in addition to the supply of soldier equipment and robotics.

Through Team SABRE, Land 125-4 presents an opportunity to create a truly Australian Integrated Soldier System.

More information about the project you can find here



To facilitate the ADFs modernisation of its bulk fuel storage and distribution capability, URL Operations and Maintenance Pty Ltd is responding to the call for tender (Joint Project 8190) and requesting expressions of interest from relevant product and service suppliers.

To find out more, visit the ICN Gateway. Shortlisted SMEs will be invited to tender Work Packages as needed. The multi-year contract is expected to be awarded in 2022.

Northrop Grumman Australia – Space Systems project – FULL SCOPE CLOSES 30 SEPTEMBER

It offers significant opportunity for NSW and Hunter-based industry partners to participate in a strategically important program to build and maintain an enduring Australian space capability, with an opportunity to enter export markets. 

The program is a $7B undertaking and potential opportunities for industry involvement include software development, systems integration, facilities construction, system operators, sustainment, and participation in the supply chain through manufacture and supply of sub-systems and components. There are 24 packages separated into six categories:

  1. Space Segment 
  2. Ground Segment 
  3. Control Segment 
  4. Contract 
  5. Next Generation Solutions, and
  6. Support Systems 

Full details can be found at Northrop Grumman Australia Space Systems

In addition to the Space Systems Project, there are several projects in NSW that offer strong opportunities for Hunter-based businesses:: 

If Hunter Defence can assist you and your business in any way to scope and approach these opportunities, please contact us 

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